Here to discuss important topics in professional writing

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Resume and Cover Letter Writing by Jamie Z.

A resume is simply a document that contains a summary of relevant job experience and education. A resume is the first thing a employer encounters when seeking potential candidates for a certain job classification. It's usually used to screen applicants and often followed by an interview when seeking employment.

Here are some tips that I think will help you write effective resumes:
  • Make sure your resume is a maximum of two pages long. If the resume is longer than two pages it is likely the employer will get bored and disregard your application.

  • Only contain information and experience relevant to the particular job position you are applying for.

  • List an objective at the beginning of your resume and target it to the job or company you are applying for.

  • Make sure to find a resume template you can follow by in order to successfully meet professional standards.

  • Consider if you need to add your "interests," in most cases it is not needed and takes up valuable space.

  • Use bulletin points when describing job duties.

  • Add any continuous education. For example, if you have taken a one hour course on 'Professional Customer Service,' add it to your resume. This shows the employer you are interested in furthering your knowledge and are not afraid to learn new things.

A cover letter typically accompanies each resume you send out. It may make the difference of obtaining a job interview or having your resume ignored. A cover letter should complement your resume, not duplicate it. I find it to be very important to spend the right amount of time and effort when creating your cover letter because it is often your earliest written contract with a potential employer, creating a critical first impression.

Here is a video I found on YouTube with quick and easy tips you can use to create an effective cover letter. I think it is really easy to understand and will help you with the necessary steps to create a great cover letter.



  1. resumes and cover letters are very important in the quest for acquiring a job! It's very important to make sure there aren't any little mistakes or a hard to read format or they probably won't even give it a chance.

  2. Jamie,

    Good third post. I see a little bit of your voice and opinions in this post, keep it up. I like the template that you included with your post to give readers an example of what a resume looks like. I think you could have included more information about writing cover letters in your post. I liked how you highlighted your resume writing tips by using bold text and bullet points because it makes a good focal point for anyone skimming the post for information.


  3. Well, these are really useful tips for resumes and writing cover letters. Also, as concern as cover letter, it's very important to spend the right amount of time and effort when creating your cover letter because it is often your earliest written contract with a potential employer and make a difference.
