Here to discuss important topics in professional writing

Monday, November 30, 2009

Interview Tips for Noobs by Craig H.

Finding a job in todays economy can be a HUGE pain in the rear. I personally have been looking for a job the two months and I finally landed a job. I applied to about 20 different places and almost all of them weren't hiring, they were actually cutting back employment. So I finally got a call back from the Marriott, they were very interested in me and gave me an interview.

This was where i really needed to make an impact on them. I waited too long to get this slip away from me, so I decided to do a little research on their company and was prepared to answer anything they asked. I ended up using on job or school experiences for every question they asked me and it boggled their mind. I knew i stood out from the rest when they told me "you answered every question with great examples." I followed up the day after and landed the job!

Job Interview Tips

Practice - Prepare for questions that they might ask, don't go in unprepared because you don't want to take too long to answer the questions.

Prepare - Make sure that you know about their company and policies in case they ask questions of the sort.

Get Ready - Make sure you wear the appropriate attire to the interview and if need be, bring your portfolio or resume with you.

Be On Time - Be on time to your interview!!! This means about 5 minutes early

Stay Calm - Try not to get nervous if they ask you a question that you aren't exactly sure about. It's important to stay relaxed.

Follow Up - Following up is very important after the interview, It shows you are very interested in the position.


  1. I really liked your Job Interview Tips. I always hated when it came time to be interviewed because I always get so nervous. Its so true, be on time and stay calm! Good post.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Craig,

    Great Post! I liked how personable you made this post. You drew on your past experiences to make a very approachable post. In the future, I think you should read your posts aloud to eliminate any typing mistakes. I also liked how you broke down the job interview tips into six categories. We're almost to our last post, here's to week 5!


  4. I liked your post because tips to make my interview more affective is never enough. I am about to graduate and I found your tips very interesting. I am going to take advantage of this post whenever I'm preparing for my interviews.

  5. The tips you listed can help a lot when getting ready for an interview. When I landed my first big interview i did not practice the questions and did horrible. Also, the tip about knowing information about the company can really set you apart from the competition. Very good info!
