Here to discuss important topics in professional writing

Monday, December 07, 2009

Template Usage in Writing By Josh Miller

There are times when it is ok to use templates in professional writing, but typically it is best not to use them. Creativity plays a major role in the success of any piece of writing. The one document I feel that you can benefit from not using a template is a resume. Finding employment can be hard now because there are usually many applicants for the same job. Many of the applicants will use the standard template for a resume. Anything to make your resume stand out from the rest will usually work to your advantage.

When first looking at documents most people can tell whether a template was used or not. Seeing the same thing all the time can be boring when looking over similar documents. I know using a template is the easiest way to put together a solid document, but the documents that tend to impress are put together in a way that is unique. I think mostly everyone would agree that it can be advantageous to think outside the box sometimes when writing.

It was a pleasure working with all of you. Best of luck with all of your future professional writing.

1 comment:

  1. Good last blog post. I like how you singled out resumes as important documents to not use templates for. I think that your post could use a more interesting title. I also like how you advocate creativity in professional writing. I have enjoyed working with you, good luck with your future writing endeavors.
